Good stuff
I guess i beat everyone's record, i got 130 once i got the hang of the controls
Good stuff
I guess i beat everyone's record, i got 130 once i got the hang of the controls
Rank: GOD
Great: 164
Good: 0
Poor: 0
Combo: 164
points: 10,000
I'm getting better at these :)
Rank: SS
Perfect: 412
Good: 15
Poor: 0
Max Combo: 412
Score: 6,300
Now if that isn't the highest score for this game, that has GOT TO BE the highest combo for this game. I was on fire.
I love this game esecially, Maybe cause i'm soo good at it :)
fantastic series of Games Onigirl, I'd like to see more in the near future.
I got it too!
Rank: God
Combo: 143
Perfect: 143
Good: 0
Poor: 0
Score: 10,000
I gotta admit that this is one of Onigirl's easier games. Try doing that on Her "DDR 17th" game or something difficult like that.
I finally found someone that makes Good, no, GREAT DDR games on NG.
But I rock harder
Combo: 199
perfect: 199
good: 0
poor: 0
that was a really simple yet fun game. thank you for letting me live out my Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) fantasies. :-D
Phantom Lord
Very Addicting
This Game is unbelievably good. I was playing this for two hours yesterday trying to top my best score. Now my name is all over the scoreboard ((John)). I hope everyone else playing the game can see that on their leaderboards ;) . Anyway, NG needs:
1. More Soccer Games like this
2. More sports games like this
The Best form is No Form, The Best way is No Way. -Bruce Lee
Age 38, Male
New York, NY
Joined on 3/25/05